Increasing results in accordance with the business plan “The Future Together” for Antibiotice Iași in the first semester of 2024

Antibiotice SA (symbol ATB) submitted to the Bucharest Stock Exchange, on August 14, the Administrators’ report and the Deloitte auditor’s opinion regarding the financial statements dated 30.06.2024. The recorded results show the increase in the added value and the profitability of the business through the achievement of economic and financial indicators in progress.

These results were determined by the consistent application of the policies established in the “The Future Together” business plan to maximize returns and the business consolidation strategy both internationally and in Romania, until the year 2030.

The most important achievements of Antibiotice in S1 2024 vs. S1 2023:

  • Total revenues of 379.96 million lei, 8% higher
  • Profitability increasing by 20% reaching 72.4 million lei
  • 25.7% increase in export turnover
  • National value leader, by hospital segment, for generic drugs with and without medical prescription, with a market share of 13.2%
  • Quantitative leader in the total market for injectable powders (59.9%), ointments (20.1%), suppositories and ovules (32.7%)
  • The biggest increase of the share registered on the BVB in the last year, of 317.85%, the price the maximum of the action being reached in June at the value of 3.3900 lei

More details can be found in the press release.

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