2012 – 2013: Antibiotice defines strategic directions for the coming years
Antibiotice continues to expand its portfolio, in line with the market trends and joins producers of oncologicals. Moreover, our company becomes the first company in Europe prequalified by the World Health Organization for the range of anti-TB drugs. In order to stimulate innovation, our company launches the initiative “Ideas are free of charge” with the aim to collect valuable ideas and solutions from employees across the company, for streamlining work and a creative exploitation of new opportunities.
In parallel, we outlined our strategy for 2012-2016. “We will continue to make efforts to internationalize business, to adapt human resources to the strategic orientation of our company, to reduce costs and take special measures to protect the working capital. I am convinced that (…) this way Antibiotice will reconfirm that it deserves to be on the panel of the most outstanding and reputed brands in the Romanian pharmaceutical industry and a trustworthy company for its numerous partners from all over the world “(Annual Report 2012, excerpt from the CEO’s Message)