Our company`s evolution over time

Our company’s history begins in December 1955, with the foundation of the first factory in Romania and South-East Europe producing Penicillin discoverd by Alexander Fleming.

Four years later, the manufacturing plant of Streptomycin comes into operation and the first finished dosage forms – ointments, creams, suppositories – are manufactured.

The technological flows for manufacturing active substances (erythromycin, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, griseofulvin, sinerdol, lysine) are developed.

In this period, Antibiotice becomes the only manufacturer of sterile parenteral (injectable) medicinal products in Romania. The authorization granted in 1977 by the American regulatory body, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the manufacturing flow of Streptomycin has opened the doors of the international market.

Antibiotice becomes a joint stock company.

As a result of changes at the macroeconomic level, the Antibiotice`s management reorients the production of medicines.

In our company’s portfolio, finished products gain the first position while active substances manufactured in this period are used for developing new pharmaceutical dosage forms. In a short period of time, more than 30 pharmaceutical products are introduced into manufacturing, ranking the company from Iași among the top manufacturers of anti-infectives in Romania.

Acțiunile Antibiotice (simbol ATB) sunt tranzacționate la categoria I a Bursei de Valori din București;

Antibiotice devine primul producător de medicamente din România care obține certificatul de bună practică de fabricație (GMP) a fluxului de pulberi pentru medicamente injectabile.

The manufacturing flow of Nystatin obtains the FDA authorization, which allows the export of this active substance in the United States of America. Antibiotice is positioned as the world top manufacturer and Nystatin becomes the most important product for export.

Antibiotice’s economic indicators – profit and turnover - record a significant jump, fruit of investments and management policy; a management by objectives system is implemented, designed to increase at all levels our company’s performance.

A new brand identity is launched in order to communicate visually the modernization of our company and the structural changes occurred in the last years.

Our company inaugurates the Center for Medicine Evaluation (CEM), a one million EUR investment. CEM is a clinical research unit conducting non-therapeutic clinical studies (phase I and bioequivalence studies). The Center is Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) certified and authorized by the Ministry of Health.

Antibiotice obtains the recognition for implementing the Integrated Management System (quality, environment, occupational health and safety) according to the requirements of the EN ISO 9001: 2008, EN ISO 14001: 2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007 standards, being the first Romanian pharmaceutical company with this performance.

Our company completes the investment in an ecological waste incineration plant which, together with the modern wastewater treatment plant, significantly reduce the impact of the company's activities on the environment.

Antibiotice orients itself towards the international development.

Our company obtains the FDA authorization to deliver injectable medicines in the United Sates of America; the number of exported medicinal products increases, as well as the number of international partnerships.

The National Association of Romanian Exporters and Importers (ANEIR) designates Antibiotice as the most dynamic export company in the field of medicines.

Antibiotice is FDA authorized for the manufacturing flow of penicillins in the form of injectable powders and delivers the first finished medicinal products in the USA, a market in which our company was already present with the active substance Nystatin.

Our company starts the ”Summer School a+”, a project intended for the professional development of its own employees, and for attracting future specialists in the fields of research, quality control and production of medicines.

Antibiotice continues its investments in the manufacturing technology (an increased production capacity of oral solid dosage forms - tablets ) and in research, building a modern Research-Development Center meant to increase the pace of renewing the products in the portfolio.

Compania lansează pe piață primele medicamente destinate afecțiunilor sistemului Nervos Central.

Following the FDA 's reapproval of the manufacturing flows of Nystatin and sterile injectable powders (2013) as well as an increased competitiveness, Antibiotice gains the first position in the world production of the active substance Nystatin and records the first export of Nafcillin in the American market.

Our company extends its international presence by opening a representative office in the Republic of Moldova and an office in Serbia.

Antibiotice își extinde portofoliul tradițional de antiinfecțioase, asimilând primele carbapeneme, își diversifică portofoliul de produse dermatologice, cel destinat sistemului nervos central, dar și oferta de produse pentru profilaxie și creșterii calității vieții (suplimente alimentare și medicamente fără prescripție).

Antibiotice becomes the first WHO pre-qualified company in Europe for the range of anti-tuberculosis medicines.

US FDA recertifies the sterile finished injectables and active substance Nystatin.

Our company wins two gold medals and the Prize at EUROINVENT 2015, the Medicine Section, the largest exhibition of inventions and projects in the South-Eastern Europe.

On December 11, 2015, Antibiotice celebrates 60 years of Romanian continuity and performance.

Antibiotice opens a new international office in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Our company starts the „Perform a+” project which focuses on attracting specialized staff and new collaborators in the research & development field. The project is dedicated to the young students and residents of the Faculty of Pharmacy within the Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iași.

Antibiotice Iași imposes worldwide the quality standard for Nystatin, our product becoming a USP reference standard.

Our third international representative office is opened in Kiev, Ukraine.

Antibiotice starts the serialization of its medicines, making the first delivery of serialized products in the US.

Antibiotice is the first pharmaceutical company joining the Romanian Investors Relations Association (ARIR).

Laboratory Management System (LMS) is implemented.

The production of Moldamin, the new formula of benzathine benzylpenicillin is resumed.

















Anniversary messages

Bridge over the Time

Friendship Park a+

The park in front of our company has its roots in 1955, the year in which the factory began its activity. Since then, the curing destiny of Antibiotice included the preoccupation for a healthy lifestyle, care for nature, for environment. After the construction of the factory was completed, the employees planted trees in the area that separated the factory from the road. At first they were thin, limp trees.

Over time, they grew and formed a veritable forest protection curtain. Those fragile saplings have become the trees of today. In 2020, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the company, the park was set up and became the Friendship Park a+. With a total surface of 25,000 s.q.m , the park has a wooded area and a lawn with over 1,000 trees and shrubs, divided in three areas:

a recreational space with alleys and benches
a playground for children
a sports field.
Friendship Park a+ is a social responsibility project developed by Antibiotice under the aegis of ”Antibiotice – a friendly brand”, being an arch over time that offers an oasis of relaxation for the community and a playground for children.

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The fountain from Antibiotice Iași, the work of the great sculptor Constantin Baraschi

On the occasion of the 65th anniversary of existence, Antibiotice restored the statuary complex located in the square in front of the main entrance, under the close supervision of specialists from the "Moldova" National Museum Complex Iasi. Information about the author of this statue was (re) discovered by the researcher Bobi Apăvăloaei, who has carried out in recent years an analysis of studies and documents on the monuments of Iași.

The work “Monuments from Iași Municipality and County. Bibliographic guide ”, authors: Agrigoroaiei Elidia, Huțanu Georgeta, Kara I, Leibovici Paul, Moscovici Liviu, published in 1969 mentions that the fountain in front of Antibiotice company was created by the sculptor Constantin Baraschi.

Constantin Baraschi (1902-1966) was one of the great sculptors of Romania, with a rich artistic activity, enjoying during his life the recognition of his fellows.', 'antibiotice

After the building of the factory was completed (1953-1955), for embellishing the square at the main entrance, a fountain was placed, a public forum monument. This monument consists of a basin, in the middle of which a pedestal rises, on which the statue of a woman holding on her right shoulder a pitcher is mounted. At the woman`s left leg is a child, both characters looking tenderly at each other.

Although executed during the communist period, this fountain does not carry the symbolic burden specific to the political ideology of the years 1950s-1960s. The statue evokes the theme of motherhood, the sculptor himself showing a deep respect for all mothers.

Constantin Baraschi studied in Bucharest and Paris, learning from renowned professors and in 1937 he was awarded the gold medal for sculpture at the International Exhibition in Paris.

Other monuments that bear his signature are: Kilometre Zero Monument in Bucharest, the Caryatid / Restoration Alley with the Fountain of Modura, bas-reliefs and high reliefs on the Arc de Triomphe.

On the occasion of the 65th anniversary, the Antibiotice company made a gift to the people of Iași and culture lovers, restoring with its own resources the public forum monument, work of the sculptor Constantin Baraschi. The restoration was done according to all scientific rigors. The restoration effort was made by our company in difficult conditions of health crisis, thus demonstrating that the act of culture is possible regardless of the harshness of the times.

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a+ today

World leader in the production of Nystatin, a USP reference standard granted by Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Leader in the segment of sterile injectable powders in Romania

Leader in the segment of topical products (creams, ointments, gels) in Romania

Leader in the segment of generic anti-infectives in Romania

International presence in more than 120 countries with 95 finished products and the active substance Nystatin

International representative offices in Hanoi (Vietnam), Chișinău (Republic of Moldova), Kiev (Ukraine) and Novisad (Serbia)

The export accounts for 50% of the company`s turnover

Sustainable 150-product portfolio covering 12 therapeutic areas

Our company’s products are present in all the hospitals and in over 8,000 pharmacies in Romania

58 medicinal products from the Antibiotice portfolio are considered essential, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification

Pre-qualified WHO manufacturer of the full range of essential anti-tuberculosis medicines

Internationally recognized certifications and authorizations (EU-GMP, US-FDA, CoS )

Our company has one of the most modern Clinical Studies Centers in Romania

The most complex manufacturing structure in Romania, with 8 distinct manufacturing flows

A constant presence of over 22 years on the capital market

Since April 1997, Antibiotice shares are listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, Premium category

Stimulant work environment for 1,415 employees

Three generations of people with a diversity of professions

For 20 years in a row, our company has been granting the ”Science and Soul ”scholarships dedicated to the rural pupils

For over 10 years, Antibiotice has been organizing the ”Donate blood! Put soul for a life!” campaign in which its employees volunteer to help

10 orchards planted through the program ”The orchard at school

Antibiotice’s presence in international markets

Anniversary videoconference