Antibiotice, a profitable company

The Antibiotice Company shares have been listed at the Bucharest Stock Exchange, category Premium, since April 1997. During the same year, the shares of the company were included in the BET index (Bucharest Exchange Trading Index)
The investments in research and quality as well as for updating the manufacturing technologies have turned Antibiotice into a profitable, dynamic, investor-attractive company.
Traded under the ATB symbol, our company’s shares are issued in a dematerialized form and are freely transferable.
În prezent, pe piața BVB, acțiunile Antibiotice sunt incluse în indicii BET-PLUS, BET-BK, BET-XT, BET-XT-TR, BET-XT-TRN, BET, BET-TR și BET-TRN.
Stock exchange