Antibiotice on the securities market
Traded under the ATB symbol, our company’s shares are issued in a dematerialized form and are freely transferable. The Registry of shareholders and shares of Antibiotice is maintained by the Central Depository SA Bucharest.
Antibiotice shares have been listed on the Premium category of the Bucharest Stock Exchange since April 1997. In March 2005, the Bucharest Stock Exchange launched a new index, ROTX (Romanian Traded Index), developed together with the Vienna Stock Exchange (Wiener Börse AG), which reflects in real time the share price evolution of the companies considered to be the top companies, which are the most solid, efficient and stable on the market. At that time, ATB shares were also included.
- BET PLUS index is a free float market capitalization weighted index of the Romanian companies (except the financial investment companies) listed on BVB’s regulated market meeting the minimal selection criteria related to liquidity and free-float market capitalization.
- BET-BK was designed to be used as a benchmark by asset managers and other institutional investors. The calculation methodology reflects on legal requirements and investment limits applying to investment funds.
- BET is the first index developed by BVB and represents the reference index for the local capital market. BET reflects the performance of the most traded companies on BVB’s regulated market, excluding financial investment companies (SIFs). It is a free float market capitalization weighted index, with the maximum weight of its components of 20%.
The main selection criterion is liquidity. Starting 2015, further criteria related to issuers’ transparency and quality of reporting and their communication with investors are also used for screening. - BET-TR is the first total return index launched by BVB. It is based on the structure of market reference index BET. BET-TR tracks the price changes of its component shares and is adjusted to also reflect the dividends paid by constituent companies.
- BET-TRN is the net total return version of market reference index BET. BET-TRN tracks the price performance of its constituent companies and is adjusted to reflect the reinvestment of the net dividends paid by them.
- BET-XT tracks the price changes of the 30 most traded companies listed on BVB’s Regulated Market, including the financial investment companies (SIFs).
- BET-XT-TR is the total return version of BET-XT index, which includes the 30 most traded Romanian companies listed at BVB. BET-XT-TR tracks the price changes of its constituent companies and is adjusted to also reflect the dividends paid by them.
- BET-XT-TRN is the net total return version of BET-XT index. BET-XT-TRN tracks the price performance of its constituent companies and is adjusted to reflect the reinvestment of the net dividends paid by them.
Our company has a specialized structure called Investor Relations, that keep in touch with the existing and potential investors. Its main role is to ensure a good communication with the company’s shareholders. The persons appointed to keep in touch with investors deal with maximum efficiency, shareholders’ requests and facilitate the dialogue with the company’s management. The company creates and develops an appropriate policy to promote effective communication with investors and shareholders.