Antibiotice for over 20 years in the NATIONAL TOP of COMPANIES

The performances of the Antibiotice company were appreciated by the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the most important institution representing the Romanian business, awarding it the 1st Place National Award in the category Industry – Very Large Enterprises – Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products.

“Antibiotice has been in the elite of Romanian companies for over 20 years and is constantly awarded, occupying the first place in its field of activity, for excellence in business. We are proud that, both nationally and internationally, we have managed to keep the bar very high and we thank our entire team of professionals for this performance.
I also thank, for the support given, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, one of the most important forums for representing the business communities in Romania and with which the company Antibiotice has always had a close collaboration. The fact that Antibiotice is a Romanian brand recognized at the world level is also due to the efforts made by CCIR representatives regarding the internationalization of the local business “, said ec. Ioan Nani, General Manager of Antibiotics.

The Romanian economy shows resilience, despite the difficulties caused by the health crisis.

“The Romanian economy has confirmed, through the results for 2020, its resilience and ability to cope with the shock caused by the pandemic. Top Romanian companies have managed, with considerable effort, to cope with a situation of unprecedented difficulty. National of Companies, a unique and traditional moment, which grew together with the national economy, we celebrate the work, resilience and creativity of the strongest companies in Romania.


Despite the major challenges, the economy not only did not stop, but also showed resilience, proof that business people have found the necessary solutions to adapt to the new reality. However, the challenges remain major for Romanian companies. The labor crisis and the high level of bureaucracy are brakes that limit economic growth. Institutional stability and a consistent dialogue with central and local authorities are essential conditions for maintaining Romania’s economic stability “, it is stated in a communiqué published by the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The National Top of Companies, ranking made exclusively by CCIR, is based on the following economic indicators:

net turnover,
operating profit,
operating profit rate,
efficient use of human resources and
efficiency of use of capital employed.

When carrying out the TNF 2021 ranking, 768,372 financial-accounting balance sheets of the companies active in Romania were analyzed, which represents an increase of over 5% compared to the previous year.

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