Antibiotice employees and their children learn first aid measures in emergency situations

100 Antibiotice Employees, Along with Their Children and Grandchildren, Participate in the Fifth Edition of the “Plus for Life” Project, Learning Life-Saving First Aid Measures in Cardiac Arrest and Emergency Situations.

Antibiotice organized the fifth edition of the “Plus for Life” project, with the support of Club a+ and the Iași Emergency Mobile Service (SMURD Iași), where 100 employees, along with their children and grandchildren, learned essential first aid measures in case of cardiac arrest and how to act when witnessing an emergency situation.

The event, held over two days, October 29-30, aimed to teach the theoretical and practical basics of first aid in cardiac arrest, the use of an automated external defibrillator, and how to respond correctly to emergencies such as accidents, airway obstructions, and trauma.

Five doctors from the Iași UPU-SMURD, accredited by the European Resuscitation Council, provided theoretical information and practical exercises adapted to make it easier for children to learn alongside their parents or grandparents.

“October is the month when we celebrate World Cardiac Arrest Prevention Day. The activity we carry out with the Club a+ Association and, implicitly, Antibiotice, has become a tradition. It is an education activity in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid for those working in this very important company for Iași and the country, but not only for adults, but also for their children. We are happy that more and more children participate each time, becoming more and more interested. This is the age when the importance of saving a life becomes essential for a child’s education, and I believe they never forget it. Together with the UPU-SMURD instructors and the Emergency Medicine discipline at ‘Grigore T. Popa’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iași, we perform mannequin-based activities, simulating cardiac arrest situations from newborns to adults. These are situations that anyone can encounter and in which we must intervene to save a life, no matter where we are”, said Prof. Dr. Diana Cimpoeșu, Head of UPU-SMURD Iași.

“Plus for Life” is a project that ensures the acquisition of life-saving behaviors. It is a long-term investment in the community to train current and future responsible citizens who can intervene in unexpected or critical situations.

“Club a+ was founded by Antibiotice to organize social responsibility, educational, cultural, sports, and recreational events for both the company’s employees and the local community. This first aid course, ‘Plus for Life,’ falls within the educational and social responsibility events. As far as I know, this initiative to organize a first aid course for both company employees and their children is unique at the national level. Participation in the course was high, with around 100 adults and children present over the two days. They were delighted with both the first aid concepts learned and the specific intervention techniques”, said Ionuț Părpăuță, President of Club a+ Association.

Antibiotice recognizes the critical importance of first aid training in saving lives, and education in health plays a vital role in increasing survival chances until professional medical help arrives.

Over the five editions of the “Plus for Life” project, more than 500 employees have been trained in first aid.

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