Antibiotice Science and Soul Foundation offered relief to underprivileged families

During the Easter holidays, the “Antibiotice Science and Soul” foundation helped 12 families in needs: children, elderly, families in difficult situations who were offered food, cleaning products and supplies.

For the Easter holidays, Antbiotice Science and Soul Foundation extended its generosity to 12 underprivileged families from the villages Pocreaca and Dumitreştii Gălăţii, Iași county. The gift packages incuded basic foods, traditional Easter foods, school supplies and house cleaning products.

“Our help reached 70 people of which 53 children. They come from low-income families with 5 or 7 children, with health problems and living in poor conditions. Our help will not change their life, but hopefully will bring them joy during the Easter holidays, “said Ioana Tode, president of the Science and Soul Foundation.
This year’s activity is part of the “Power of deed” project conducted in partnership with Archpresbyteriate Iaşi 3. The beneficiaries, the adults and children selected, have precarious financial means, most families have no income and some of the children have disabilities or suffer from rare diseases.


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