The elderly patient: an approach with science and soul
Recognized professionals in the medical environment, officials of the Iasi authorities in the health field but also representatives of the Metropolitan Church of Moldova and Bucovina came together on October 18th and 19th to provide a broad perspective, with science and soul, on the issues of the elderly patient.
Thus, the Symposium “Medicine and Faith. The elderly patient: an approach with science and soul ” took place at the Providenta Conference Centre, in the presence of about 250 family doctors, pharmacists, specialists in internal medicine, cardiologists and pulmonologists. The event was organized by the Metropolitan Church of Moldova and Bucovina in partnership with the pharmaceutical company Antibiotice.
Guiding words exppressed by His Holiness Metropolitan Teofan
The opening speech of the conference belonged to His Eminence Teofan, Metropolitan of Moldova and Bucovina who talked about the doctor-patient relationship from the Christian perspective. “When the patients see the doctor as a learned man, but also as a man of great soul, they lay their destiny into the doctor’s hands with all confidence and hope. I wish you all as the Holy God to give you strength to do for people what would you like to get yourselves and I wish you to have patience and understanding to the patients who wait to gently guide them in order to find answers to all doubts regarding their health”
Then, Mr. Ioan Nani, Antibiotice CEO explained the reason for which the pharmaceutical company supported this event, recalling that 2012 was declared by the European Union as the „European year of the active ageing and solidarity between generations” and the Romanian Orthodox Church initiated, in this context, a series of events under the motto „Homage Year of the Holy Unction and Looking after the Sick”. “The continuous dialogue between those who can relieve suffering is the only one who can offer viable solutions. Thus, medicine and faith naturally intertwine when, in the foreground, we meet the patient , a physically and often emotionally sick man”, said Ioan Nani.
Marathon session of scientific lectures
The session of the scientific lectures, moderated by Dr. Mihaela Mosnegutu, Medical Director with Antibiotice was opened by Prof. Catalina Arsenescu Georgescu MD, PhD who spoke about the “Physiological Versus Pathological Vascular Ageing “, in a presentation awaited with highly interest by all those present. She drew attention to the fact that “there is a phenomenon of early ageing of the blood vessels, a phenomenon due to the accumulation of the multiple negative factors along life’s way, lifestyle being included. Quitting smoking, giving up the sedentary life, supervising the hypertension are among the first things that the patient must have in mind to reduce the risks of triggering a cardiovascular event before time. ”
Further on, Prof. Gabriel Ungureanu MD, PhD talked about the risk factors in the elderly patients because „more often they face multiple sufferings hence the increased attention should be paid to the interaction of medicines, their side effects and last but not least their appropriate dosing”.
The series of presentations continued with the „Role of the pharmacist in improving the patient’s quality of life” supported by Prof. Monica Hăncianu MD, PhD (Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Gr.T.Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy).The following presentation supported by Dr. Tania Bernstein about the „Family doctor’s role in improving the patient’s quality of life” stressed the role of the physician-pharmacist team in the elderly patient management.
Science and faith, complementary remedies in the patient’s healing
The complex pathology of the breast cancer was the subject of the presentation given by Senior Lecturer Lucian Miron PhD who highlighted the progress in the field and trends recorded worldwide.
The second day was reserved for a new series of widely interesting communications: “Early detection of dementia and depression in the primary medicine” (Senior Lecturer Şerban Turliuc MD PhD), “Metabolic risk factors, topicality in assessment and treatment” (Prof. George Ioan Pandele MD PhD), “Age-related macular degeneration” ( Dr. Georgeta Macovei, primary physician ophthalmologist, Dr. in medical sciences). The captivating lecture about “Health and spiritual dimension of life ‘ (Deacon Dr. Sorin Adrian Mihalache) offered a new perspective on healing, being heard with great interest by the participants. The last exposure of the Conference, „ Road of the generic drug from active substance to patient”, supported by the Pharm. Mariana Băiţan (Antibiotice Research Manager), gave a new dimension of the Antibiotice’s involvement with soul and passion in the research and development of drugs.